
Logistics, publication, design, and more.


Pseudonaja Group

September 2020 – Present

Co-publisher alongside Jerath Head, producing ekphrastic literature projects based in Brisbane, Australia.


A Street Zine (2021)

– Featuring Laura Elvery, Shastra Deo, Zenobia Frost, and more.

A () Zine (2020)

– Featuring Jackie Ryan, Mindy Gill, Carody Culver, and more.


House Conspiracy

May 2016 – May 2018

For two years, I worked as the Founding Creative Director of House Conspiracy.

Key responsibilities and achievements:

– Curating 54 individual artists and arts groups

– Managing a 200sqm multi-arts venue

– Hosting, writing, & producing 55 podcast episodes

– Producing 17 independent events and exhibitions

– Producing 23 partnered events across Brisbane

– Editing and designing The Conspirator art anthology



February 13–17, 2018

EERTREE is an audio-focused show I co-wrote and produced for Tone Black Productions, under direction from Tony Brumpton.

EERTREE's first season was successfully sold out.

Responsibilities: writing, design, marketing, and venue logistics.



August 5–19, 2017

softcore. was the project I was most proud to produce in 2017.

With the support of This Must Be The Place gallery, we gave a curated trio of fantastic artists the opportunity to produce an awesome white-wall exhibition right in the middle of Brisbane city.

Responsibilities: design, marketing, curation, writing, and production.

Other production projects.

I have worked in a variety of creative and logistical producing roles as both a leader and a team member across a broad range of projects including:

  • Coordinating and hosting several professional literary salons with Avid Reader.

  • Managing performance seasons and inter-company partnerships with Anywhere Theatre Festival.

  • Producing several internal and external promotional videos on behalf of the QUT Scholarships department.

  • Producing and hosting mental-health awareness events with Spur Projects.

PREVIOUS partners & Clients include


Looking for a creative producer? You can contact me here